lundi 28 février 2011
Canada kept U.S. border talks under wraps: document
Prime Minister Stephen Harper shakes hands with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington last week.
MARK WILSON/GETTY IMAGESLes Whittington and Tonda MacCharles Ottawa Bureau
The 14-page public relations document recommended that talks keep a “low public profile” in the months leading up to the announcement by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama. At the same time, the government would secretly engage “stakeholders” — interested parties such as big business groups and others — in a way that respected “the confidentiality of the announcement.”
In advance, the government departments involved — including industry, foreign affairs, international trade and citizenship and immigration — were to “align supportive stakeholders to speak positively about the announcement,” according to the strategy prepared by Public Safety Minister Vic Toews’ officials.
On Friday, Harper and Obama signed off on a plan that for the first time envisions throwing up a single security ring around the perimeter of Canada and the U.S. The wide-ranging blueprint calls for increased cooperation between the two countries’ police, border and intelligence agencies; an integrated Canada-U.S. exit-entry system using high-tech identification techniques and more sharing of information about Canadians with U.S. authorities.
At least three major business organizations — the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives and the Canadian Trucking Alliance — quickly issued statements praising the framework agreement Friday.
The document was prepared last fall, when the Canada-U.S. talks were being conducted without any public notice.
Under “communications challenges,” the document lists: “Greater information sharing is part of the initiative. The safeguarding of privacy and sovereignty will be of concern for Canadians.”
It also says Canadians may be too sanguine about security to see the need for the deal. “The Canadian public may underestimate the security threat to Canada.”
The confidential government document also contains a list of “high risk” stakeholders — those in Canada who might raise strenuous objections to stepped-up Canada-U.S. security arrangements.
Officials surmised that Jennifer Stoddart, the federal privacy commissioner, would be worried by plans to share more personal data on Canadians with U.S. authorities. “Will raise concerns re information sharing and protecting private information,” the document says of Stoddart. In response, the government should stress that “we value and respect our separate constitutional and legal frameworks that protect privacy, civil liberties and human rights.” It also recommended “ongoing engagement by officials” with Stoddart.
Advocacy and civil rights groups such as the Council of Canadians, led by Maude Barlow, were also expected to react negatively because of “privacy concerns.” The strategy paper again recommended that Conservatives should stress Canada’s protections for human rights and privacy. It also suggested that cabinet ministers be made available to the media to counteract Barlow’s statements.
Refugee and immigration organizations were considered “high-risk stakeholders” and expected to react by saying the new U.S.-Canada border measures will limit immigration. The recommended response was to say that the deal “will accelerate legitimate travel” and won’t change Canadian immigration and refugee policy. Another high-risk stakeholder was expected to be the Mexican government, which “may raise concerns about not being included in the vision.”
A separate list of “medium risk” stakeholders included academics, who will “expect proof of economic benefits” and may be worried about privacy and sovereignty, and the media, which will “look for specifics” that would be announced later. Also considered a “medium risk” are U.S. critics, who will see the new deal as a “threat to U.S. jobs.”
Now that Canada and the U.S. have begun work on implementing the deal, the Liberals and NDP say they are planning to bring cabinet ministers before a Commons committee to find out the details of the plan.
The public campaign to persuade Canadians that a muscular security deal won’t trade away Canadian rights was clearly underway Monday.
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, appearing at a Senate committee on national security and defence, painted it as “necessary” to the free flow of cross-boarder trade, and “beneficial” to Canada.
The Americans, he said, bring greater resources, “assets” and much-appreciated expertise to border security, citing joint efforts during the Olympics security operations.
Asked later whether Canadians should be concerned about a new regime that might see random searches or seizures at the border, Toews said there’s little need to worry.
“I don’t think that is a concern that they should have, but those are the kinds of questions that need to be asked and discussed.”
samedi 26 février 2011
Fidel Castro Met En Garde Contre Une intervention Militaire De L’OTAN En Libye
Lors de l’une de ses « réflexions » paraissant régulièrement dans la presse cubaine Castro avertit que sous l’impulsion des US et pour s’accaparer les richesses naturelles du pays dont le pétrole l’OTAN se prépare à envahir la Libye.
Selon Fidel Castro les Etats Unis n’hésiteront pas à donner l’ordre à l’OTAN d’envahir la Libye afin de mettre la main sur les réserves pétrolières de ce pays à la faveur d’une situation présentée comme des plus chaotiques et dans une ambiance fiévreuse de surenchère médiatique sur ce qui se passe en Libye.
Hors la presse étrangère ne peut pas couvrir de l’intérieur les manifestations et la violente répression en cours en Libye donc ce qui se passe réellement reste de l’ordre de l’inaccessible. Même Al Jazeera qui a réussi à couvrir ce qui se passait en Tunisie en Egypte au Bahreïn s’est vu privée de couverture son relais satellitaire ayant été brouillé.
Par qui ?
Kadhafi dispose -t-il des moyens technologiques d’un tel brouillage ?
Ou bien ce brouillage sert t-il à amplifier «l’effet chaos » nécessaire pour convaincre l’opinion publique mondiale de la nécessité d’une intervention militaire de l’OTAN en Libye ?
Pour ce qui est des « révolutions » dans les pays arabes on est désormais passé au Plan B de contre insurrection et récupération par les US et leurs alliés UE, Israël et consorts.
Les démissions en masse de diplomates et autres responsables politiques libyens sont-ils le prélude à l’installation d’un autre « gouvernement de transition » intégré au Nouvel Ordre Mondial libre échangiste cette fois en Libye ?
« Il est absolument évident que les Etats Unis ne se soucient pas du tout de la paix en Libye et n'hésiteront pas à donner l'ordre à l'Otan d'envahir ce riche pays. C'est peut-être une question d'heures ou de jours" affirme Castro. Selon lui "il faudra attendre" de savoir ce qui relève "de la vérité ou du mensonge" dans les informations faisant état d'une violente répression des mouvements de protestation, qui a fait des centaines de morts, selon diverses organisations humanitaires.
Fidel Castro a notamment qualifié de "mensonge, non dénué d'"intentions perfides", l'information qui a circulé sur une fuite de Kadhafi au Venezuela dont le président Hugo Chavez, fils spirituel de Fidel Castro, s'est rapproché ces dernières années du dirigeant libyen. "En ce qui me concerne, je n'imagine pas le leader libyen abandonnant son pays et ses responsabilités", a déclaré Castro. Et de conclure :
"Une personne honnête s'opposera toujours à toute injustice quelle qu'elle soit commise contre n'importe quel peuple du monde, et, en cet instant, la pire de toutes serait de garder le silence devant le crime que s'apprête à commettre l'OTAN contre le peuple libyen »
Actuellement prés de 80% du pétrole de la Libye est exporté vers l’Union Européenne soit 10% de la totalité des importations de l’UE qui jusqu’à présent s’est fort bien accommodée du régime dictatorial et politiquement très excentrique de Kadhafi réintégré dans le «concert des nations » après quelques années de mise au ban et sanctions - dont l’embargo sur les exportations pétrolières instauré par les US. Grâce à ses pétrodollars Kadhafi a pu moderniser ses équipements militaires (avions hélicoptères missiles…) fournis par les puissances occidentales exportatrices et utilisés actuellement pour contrer les manifestations en bombardant les opposants au régime mais aussi en les faisant mitrailler dans les rues par des mercenaires importés et parachutés de pays africains voisins.
Les US ont de grandes ambitions concernant les richesses naturelles du continent africain dont le pétrole et le gaz leur principal objectif étant de se les approprier pour ensuite dicter leurs conditions aux pays demandeurs tels les pays de l’UE, le Japon gros consommateur importateur mais aussi les pays émergeants comme la Chine et l’Inde. C’est dans cette perspective qu’a été crée AFRICOM, le commandement militaire US spécifiquement dévolu à l’Afrique.
Intervention de l’OTAN ou de son fidèle serviteur l’AU ?
Mais c’est surtout par le biais de son bras armé européen l’OTAN dont font partie d’anciens empires coloniaux ayant eu autrefois main mise sur ces richesses africaines tels la France, la Grande Bretagne, l’Espagne, le Portugal, la Belgique, l’Allemagne, l’Italie … que les US comptent étendre leur emprise hégémonique énergétique.
Selon un article récent de la Revue Afrique du Kenya l’OTAN et l’AU ( UA :Union Africaine qui compte 53 pays membres) se préparent à signer un traité de partenariat militaire faisant état d’informations rapportées par des fonctionnaires de l’AU dont le siège est à Addis Abeba en Ethiopie. Cet article précise également que l’OTAN négocie l’ouverture d’un bureau de liaison aux quartiers généraux de l’AU et que le département des affaires légales de l’OTAN « est entrain de finaliser avec son homologue de l’AU la rédaction du nouveau pacte qui sera bientôt signé ».
Le Commissaire pour la Paix et la Sécurité de l’AU, Ramtane Lamamra, a « confirmé que l’OTAN doit signer un accord militaire avec l’AU » visant surtout à consolider la Force d’Intervention Africaine pour la Stabilité (ASF) comprenant plusieurs brigades d’intervention rattachées aux cinq zones économiques du continent (Nord, Est, Ouest, Centre et Sud).
La mission dévolue à l’ASF c’est d’intervenir autrement dit d’envahir et d’occuper certains pays africains considérés comme « instables » c'est-à-dire récalcitrants au Nouvel Ordre Mondial libre échangiste des US et de leurs alliés européens. Lamanra a déclaré que « l’Afrique aimerait apprendre de l’OTAN sur les transports aériens stratégiques de troupes, les communications avancées, la rotation d’unités importantes parmi des régions et répondre aux défis logistiques » ajoutant que « l’OTAN est un bon modèle à utiliser pour construire l’ASF ».
Toujours selon cet article des « experts ont dit que l’Afrique devient le champ de bataille stratégique entre les puissances mondiales et en particulier les US, l’UE, la Russie, la Chine… » les deux dernières investissant massivement sur le terrain dans l’exploitation des ressources de certains pays africains directement en compétition avec les multinationales US/UE.
Kadhafi s’est toujours élevé contre la création de l’AFRICOM et a vu d’un mauvais œil ce rapprochement OTAN/AU.
Donc sous couvert de manifestations populaires pour exiger la fin de la dictature Kadhafi et réprimées par un bain de sang, il n’est pas impossible que l’US/OTAN directement ou soit via ses collaborateurs de l’AU décident d’une intervention militaire en Libye au prétexte d’arrêter les massacres mais en réalité pour prendre le contrôle des richesses pétrolières de la Libye.
Après une pause de quelques décennies pendant laquelle on a fait croire aux peuples «décolonisés» qu’ils étaient libres tout en leur imposant des dictateurs tortionnaires, le colonialisme occidental US/UE ne cache plus ses ambitions ni en Afrique, ni au Moyen Orient, visant directement le contrôle et l’exploitation des ressources énergétiques aux détriments de leurs propriétaires les peuples autochtones à qui on essaie de voler encore une fois leurs justes révolutions. L’époque des « élites nationales » servant de gouvernements fantoches et se servant grassement dans les caisses des états est révolu retour à l’exploitation directe brutale cette fois sous la botte coloniale des forces d’intervention mondiales US/OTAN.
jeudi 24 février 2011

L’objectif est que la démosophie soit représentée dans divers pays à partir de 2012 lors d’élections présidentielles, tant pour mettre fin à la crise sociale et économique que pour offrir une autre alternative au « Nouvel ordre Mondial ». Le concept démosophique est soutenu par des libres penseurs de tous pays, surtout dans les milieux scientifiques et dans la Presse libre.
mercredi 23 février 2011
US Earthquake Weapon Test Fails Again, Destroys New Zealand City
To the deadly US “earthquake weapon” that destroyed Haiti we had previously reported on in our 14 January 2010 report US Quake Test Goes “Horribly Wrong”, Leaves 500,000 Dead In Haiti, and to which, sadly, the only world leader to speak out against was Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez [photo bottom left], and as we can read, in part, as reported by the Fox News Service:
“The United States apparently possesses an "earthquake weapon" that set off the catastrophic quake in Haiti and killed 200,000 innocents. Don't believe it's true? Just ask Hugo Chavez.
Citing an alleged report from Russia's Northern Fleet, the Venezuelan strongman's state mouthpiece ViVe TV shot out a press release saying the 7.0 magnitude Haiti quake was caused by a U.S. test of an experimental shockwave system that can also create "weather anomalies to cause floods, droughts and hurricanes."
The station's Web site added that the U.S. government's HAARP program, an atmospheric research facility in Alaska (and frequent subject of conspiracy theories), was also to blame for a Jan. 9 quake in Eureka, Calif., and may have been behind the 7.8-magnitude quake in China that killed nearly 90,000 people in 2008.
What's more, the site says, the cataclysmic ruin in Haiti was only a test run for much bigger game: the coming showdown with Iran.”
The United States nearly complete control over their propaganda media organs had previously been evidenced in our 11 February report CIA Spy Captured Giving Nuclear Bomb To Terrorists wherein we detailed that Russian intelligence services had “confirmed” that Raymond Allen Davis was a CIA agent, but the American people were not allowed to know the truth, and as we can read, in part, as evidenced by the Press TV News Service in their article “US orders media to lie over CIA killer”, which says:
“A US investigative journalist says Washington had ordered the American media to lie about the identity of the CIA agent, Raymond Davis, who has killed two Pakistanis. “The New York Times has admitted that they knew this and withheld the information at the request of the Obama administration from some time maybe as far back as Davis's arrest,” David Lindorff, author and investigative journalist from Philadelphia, told Press TV's US Desk on Tuesday.”
Further evidence of US government control over their propaganda media organs we had, also, detailed in our 4 January report Top US Official Murdered After Arkansas Weapons Test Causes Mass Death, but which only this past week had London’s Daily Mail News Service revealed in their article “Pentagon aide 'was killed by hitman' claims distraught widow” the truer facts of this case, and as we can, in part, read:
“Prominent Washington aide John Wheeler was assassinated by a hitman in a targeted killing, his widow has claimed. Katherine Klyce said the way her late husband’s body was dumped at a landfill site could only have been carried out by a professional. The 66-year-old suggested his work with the Pentagon over his decades-long career could have made him enemies who wanted rid of him.”
To the catastrophic damage done by this latest “failed test” of a US “earthquake weapon” new reports are saying that, aside from the hundreds believed killed, the cost in damage has made it the seventh-most costly natural disaster for insurers since 1970 estimated at over $12 Billion.
According to this VKS report, the US test of this “earthquake weapon” originated from the joint Australian-US Planetary Defence Base named Project Wormwood [photo 2nd left] located at the Learmonth Solar Observatory that upon “warm up” caused a 4.7 magnitude earthquake to hit the Northern Territory, and less than 24 hours later was “directed” at New Zealand’s Tasman Glacier located in their Southern Alps region 120 miles (200 kilometers) from the now destroyed city of Christchurch.
[Note: The Wormwood Project is named after the apocalyptic “end of days” star Wormwood found in the Christian Bible’s New Testament Book of Revelations.]
The purpose of this “earthquake weapon” test, this VKS report says, was for the “benefit” of a US Congressional delegation reported to have left Christchurch barely 2 ½ hours before the catastrophic trembler hit, but who left behind one of their “members”, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Deputy Administrator Timothy W. Manning, who is now coordinating America’s response to the disaster.
Important to note is that in the test of their “earthquake weapon” last year the American military had, also, pre-positioned General P.K. Keen, the Deputy Commander of the Southern Command, in Haiti to coordinate his countries disaster response.
Equally important to note, this VKS report continues, is that just like Haiti was the catastrophic victim of a US “earthquake weapon” due to a previously unknown fault line, so was New Zealand, and as we can read, in part, as further confirmed by London’s Independent News Service: “The devastating earthquake that tore through Christchurch on Tuesday is the product of a new fault line in the Earth’s crust that seismologists were previously unaware of.”
To the science these US “earthquake and weather” weapons are based upon we have previously detailed in numerous reports, including those linked in this report and: Norway Time Hole “Leak” Plunges Northern Hemisphere Into Chaos and Leaked Cable Reveals Obama Sent To “2012 ALICE Bunker” Due To Norway “Spiral”.
Most unfortunately for the American people in all of these events is their continued blind obedience to their government controlled propaganda media organs regarding the truth of these things, and who only need to say “turn away” to get these mindless souls to quit seeking truth for themselves.
©February 24, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
ID | 09OSLO337 |
DATE | 2009-12-09 14:48:00 |
ORIGIN | Embassy Oslo |
TEXT | T O P S E C R E T OSLO 000337 NODIS USNORTHCOM Maj. Gen. Thompson NSPD 51/HSPD-20: DECL: 03/20/2019 TAG EXDIS, ROGER, DOCKLAMP SUBJECT: SWEDEN: CI/KR RESPONSE FOR USNORTHCOM REF: USNORTHCOM 17835 Classified By: Lt. Col. McClary for reasons: (A), (Q), (Z), and (R) ¶1. (S) RNoAF response to HAARP/CERN spiral anomaly was limited to 175 km. with testing parameters met within 3degrees of arc access. ¶2. (S) Post recommends activation of 2012 Project ALICE Bunker for POTUS/SECDEF MCCLARY |
ДОБАВЛЕНО | 2010-12-04 16:15:16 |
ПЕЧАТЬ | 2010-12-04 20:36:41 |
Подсчет голосов | 14 |
Рейтинг Оцени | 8539 |
lundi 21 février 2011
Magnetic Polar Shifts Causing Massive Global Superstorms
Terrence Aym (CHICAGO)
NASA has been warning about it…scientific papers have been written about it…geologists have seen its traces in rock strata and ice core samples…
Now "it" is here: an unstoppable magnetic pole shift that has sped up and is causing life-threatening havoc with the world's weather.
Pole reversal may also be initiating new Ice Age
Terrence Aym is a Contributor based in Chicago, who is well known nationally for his stirring reports on the top ranked site, Born in Minnesota, Terrence Aym grew up in the Chicagoland suburbs. Having traveled to 40 of the 50 states and lived in 7 of them, Aym is no stranger to travel. He's also spent time in Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, Europe, Asia and Western Africa. An executive for many years with Wall Street broker-dealer firms, Aym has also had a life-long interest in science, technology, the arts, philosophy and history. If it's still possible to be a 'Renaissance man' in the 21st Century, Aym is working hard to be one.
Superstorms can also cause certain societies, cultures or whole countries to collapse. Others may go to war with each other.
Courtesy: Weather Snob |
NASA has been warning about it…scientific papers have been written about it…geologists have seen its traces in rock strata and ice core samples…
Now "it" is here: an unstoppable magnetic pole shift that has sped up and is causing life-threatening havoc with the world's weather.
Forget about global warming—man-made or natural—what drives planetary weather patterns is the climate and what drives the climate is the sun's magnetosphere and its electromagnetic interaction with a planet's own magnetic field.
When the field shifts, when it fluctuates, when it goes into flux and begins to become unstable anything can happen. And what normally happens is that all hell breaks loose.
Magnetic polar shifts have occurred many times in Earth's history. It's happening again now to every planet in the solar system including Earth.
The magnetic field drives weather to a significant degree and when that field starts migrating superstorms start erupting.
The superstorms have arrived
The first evidence we have that the dangerous superstorm cycle has started is the devastating series of storms that pounded the UK during late 2010.
On the heels of the lashing the British Isles sustained, monster storms began to lash North America. The latest superstorm — as of this writing — is a monster over the U.S. that stretched across 2,000 miles affecting more than 150 million people.
Yet even as that storm wreaked havoc across the Western, Southern, Midwestern and Northeastern states, another superstorm broke out in the Pacific and closed in on Australia.
The southern continent had already dealt with the disaster of historic superstorm flooding from rains that dropped as much as several feet in a matter of hours. Tens of thousands of homes were damaged or destroyed. After the deluge tiger sharks were spotted swimming between houses in what was once a quiet suburban neighborhood.
Shocked authorities now numbly concede that much of the water may never dissipate and have wearily resigned themselves to the possibility that region will now contain a new inland sea.
But then only a handful of weeks later another superstorm; the megamonster cyclone Yasi, struck northeastern Australia. The damage it left in its wake is being called by rescue workers a war zone.
The incredible superstorm packed winds near 190mph. Although labeled as a category-5 cyclone, it was theoretically a category-6. The reason for that is storms with winds of 155mph are considered category-5, yet Yasi was almost 22 percent stronger than that.
A cat's cradle
Yet Yasi may only be a foretaste of future superstorms. Some climate researchers, monitoring the rapidly shifting magnetic field, are predicting superstorms in the future with winds as high as 300 to 400mph.
Such storms would totally destroy anything they came into contact with on land.
The possibility more storms like Yasi or worse will wreak havoc on our civilization and resources is found in the complicated electromagnetic relationship between the sun and Earth. The synergistic tug-of-war has been compared by some to an intricately constructed cat's cradle. And it's in a constant state of flux.
The sun's dynamic, ever-changing electric magnetosphere interfaces with the Earth's own magnetic field affecting, to a degree, the Earth's rotation, precessional wobble, dynamics of the planet's core, its ocean currents and—above all else—the weather.
Cracks in Earth's Magnetic Shield
The Earth's northern magnetic pole was moving towards Russia at a rate of about five miles annually. That progression to the East had been happening for decades.
Suddenly, in the past decade the rate sped up. Now the magnetic pole is shifting East at a rate of 40 miles annually, an increase of 800 percent. And it continues to accelerate.
Recently, as the magnetic field fluctuates, NASA has discovered "cracks" in it. This is worrisome as it significantly affects the ionosphere, troposphere wind patterns, and atmospheric moisture. All three things have an effect on the weather.
Worse, what shields the planet from cancer-causing radiation is the magnetic field. It acts as a shield deflecting harmful ultra-violet, X-rays and other life-threatening radiation from bathing the surface of the Earth. With the field weakening and cracks emerging, the death rate from cancer could skyrocket and mutations of DNA can become rampant.
Another federal agency, NOAA, issued a report caused a flurry of panic when they predicted that mammoth superstorms in the future could wipe out most of California. The NOAA scientists said it's a plausible scenario and would be driven by an "atmospheric river" moving water at the same rate as 50 Mississippi rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico.
Magnetic field may dip, flip and disappear
The Economist wrote a detailed article about the magnetic field and what's happening to it. In the article they noted:
"There is, however, a growing body of evidence that the Earth's magnetic field is about to disappear, at least for a while. The geological record shows that it flips from time to time, with the south pole becoming the north, and vice versa. On average, such reversals take place every 500,000 years, but there is no discernible pattern. Flips have happened as close together as 50,000 years, though the last one was 780,000 years ago. But, as discussed at the Greenland Space Science Symposium, held in Kangerlussuaq this week, the signs are that another flip is coming soon."
Discussing the magnetic polar shift and the impact on weather, the scholarly paper "Weather and the Earth's magnetic field" was published in the journal Nature. Scientists too are very concerned about the increasing danger of superstorms and the impact on humanity.
Superstorms will not only damage agriculture across the planet leading to famines and mass starvation, they will also change coastlines, destroy cities and create tens of millions of homeless.
Superstorms can also cause certain societies, cultures or whole countries to collapse. Others may go to war with each other.
A Danish study published in the scientific journal Geology, found strong correlation between climate change, weather patterns and the magnetic field.
"The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for global warming.
"'Our results show a strong correlation between the strength of the earth's magnetic field and the amount of precipitation in the tropics,' one of the two Danish geophysicists behind the study, Mads Faurschou Knudsen of the geology department at Aarhus University in western Denmark, told the Videnskab journal.
"He and his colleague Peter Riisager, of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), compared a reconstruction of the prehistoric magnetic field 5,000 years ago based on data drawn from stalagmites and stalactites found in China and Oman."
In the scientific paper "Midday magnetopause shifts earthward of geosynchronous orbit during geomagnetic superstorms with Dst = -300 nT" the magnetic intensity of solar storms impacting Earth can intensify the effects of the polar shift and also speed up the frequency of the emerging superstorms.
Pole reversal may also be initiating new Ice Age
According to some geologists and scientists, we have left the last interglacial period behind us. Those periods are lengths of time—about 11,500 years—between major Ice Ages.
One of the most stunning signs of the approaching Ice Age is what's happened to the world's precessional wobble.
The Earth's wobble has stopped
As explained in the geology and space science website, "The Chandler wobble was first discovered back in 1891 by Seth Carlo Chandler an American astronomer.
The effect causes the Earth's poles to move in an irregular circle of 3 to 15 meters in diameter in an oscillation. The Earth's Wobble has a 7-year cycle which produces two extremes, a small spiraling wobble circle and a large spiraling wobble circle, about 3.5 years apart.
For the conclusion of this article, visit:
Also, as a response to comments, Terrence added this:
- 2002 - Scientists may have detected the beginning of the field's next such reversal:
[ article.cfm?id=satellites-spy- changes-to] - 2005 - Movement of North Magnetic Pole is accelerating:
[] - 2008 - Earth's Core, Magnetic Field Changing Fast, Study Says
[ 2008/06/080630-earth-core.html ] - 2008 - Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to Sun
[ 2008/30oct_ftes/] - 2009 - North Magnetic Pole Moving Due to Core Flux
[ 2009/12/091224-north-pole- magnetic-russia-earth-core.html] - 2009 - The earth's climate is significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field:
[ field_impacts_climate_Danish_ study_999.html] - Jan 2011 - British Geological Survey *Possible Pole Shift Occurring* South Atlantic Anomaly is Growing:
[ southAtlantic2010.html] - 2009 - A strong, highly-tilted interstellar magnetic field near the Solar System:
[ nature08567.html] - 2009 - The solar system is passing through an interstellar cloud that physics says should not exist:
[ 2009/23dec_voyager/]
Related article added Feb-08-2011: Yellowstone Supervolcano, New Ice Age Could Topple US Government - Terrence Aym
Find this interesting? Here is the link to Terrence Aym's brand new article published 4 Feb. 2011: Egypt 2011: Preview of America in 2015 - Terrence Aym
Aym has several book projects in the works. Media sites that have recently featured Aym, and/or discussed his articles, include ABC News, TIME Magazine, Business Insider,, Discover, Dvice, Benzinga and more recently, his work has been showing up in South Africa and Russia.
Institut de Sciences de la santé, L.L.C. 819 N. Rue Charles Baltimore, MD 1201.
Ceci est la dernière nouveauté en médecine, effective pour contrer le cancer !!!
Lisez avec attention, j’espère que vous le ferez suivre!
Les Bienfaits du Citron.
Le citron (citrus) est un produit miraculeux pour tuer les cellules cancereuses.
Il est 10.000 fois plus puissant que la chimiothérapie.
Pourquoi ne sommes-nous pas au courant de cela?
Parce qu’il existe des laboratoires intéressés par la fabrication d’une version synthétique qui leur rapportera d’énormes bénéfices.
Vous pouvez désormais aider un ami qui en a besoin en lui faisant savoir que le jus de citron lui est bénéfique pour prévenir la maladie. Son goût est agréable et il ne produit pas les horribles effets de la chimiothérapie.
Si vous en avez la possibilité, plantez un citronnier dans votre patio ou votre jardin.
Combien de personnes meurent pendant que ce secret est jalousement gardé pour ne pas porter atteinte aux bénéfices multimilionnaires de grandes corporations ?
Comme vous le savez, le citronnier est bas, n’occupe pas beaucoup d’espace et est connu pour ses variétés de citrons et de limes.
Vous pouvez consommer le fruit de manières différentes: vous pouvez manger la pulpe, la presser en jus, élaborer des boissons, sorbets, patisseries, …
On lui attribue plusieurs vertus mais la plus intéressante est l’effet qu’elle produit sur les kystes et les tumeurs.
Cette plante est un remède prouvé contre les cancers de tous types. Certains affirment qu’elle est de grande utilité dans toutes les variantes de cancer.
On la considère aussi comme un agent anti microbien à large spectre contre les infections bactériennes et les champignons, efficace contre les parasites internes et les vers, elle régule la tension artérielle trop haute et est antidépressive, combat la tension et les désordres nerveux.
La source de cette information est fascinante: elle provient d’un des plus grands fabricants de médicaments au monde, qui affirme qu’après plus de 20 essais effectués en laboratoire depuis 1970, les extraits ont révélé que :
Il détruit les cellules malignes dans 12 types de cancer, y compris celui du côlon, du sein, de la prostate, du poumon et du pancréas…
Les composés de cet arbre ont démontré agir 10.000 fois mieux que le produit Adriamycin, une drogue chimiothérapeutte normalement utilisée dans le monde, en ralentissant la croissance des cellules du cancer.
Et ce qui est encore plus étonnant: ce type de thérapie avec l’extrait de citron détruit non seulement les cellules malignes du cancer et n’affecte pas les cellules saines.
Source : Institut de Sciences de la Santé, L.L.C. 819 N. Causez Street, Baltimore, MD 1201 (via "Espace Libre")
Ceci est la dernière nouveauté en médecine, effective pour contrer le cancer !!!
Lisez avec attention, j’espère que vous le ferez suivre!

Le citron (citrus) est un produit miraculeux pour tuer les cellules cancereuses.
Il est 10.000 fois plus puissant que la chimiothérapie.
Pourquoi ne sommes-nous pas au courant de cela?
Parce qu’il existe des laboratoires intéressés par la fabrication d’une version synthétique qui leur rapportera d’énormes bénéfices.
Vous pouvez désormais aider un ami qui en a besoin en lui faisant savoir que le jus de citron lui est bénéfique pour prévenir la maladie. Son goût est agréable et il ne produit pas les horribles effets de la chimiothérapie.
Si vous en avez la possibilité, plantez un citronnier dans votre patio ou votre jardin.
Combien de personnes meurent pendant que ce secret est jalousement gardé pour ne pas porter atteinte aux bénéfices multimilionnaires de grandes corporations ?
Comme vous le savez, le citronnier est bas, n’occupe pas beaucoup d’espace et est connu pour ses variétés de citrons et de limes.
Vous pouvez consommer le fruit de manières différentes: vous pouvez manger la pulpe, la presser en jus, élaborer des boissons, sorbets, patisseries, …
On lui attribue plusieurs vertus mais la plus intéressante est l’effet qu’elle produit sur les kystes et les tumeurs.
Cette plante est un remède prouvé contre les cancers de tous types. Certains affirment qu’elle est de grande utilité dans toutes les variantes de cancer.
On la considère aussi comme un agent anti microbien à large spectre contre les infections bactériennes et les champignons, efficace contre les parasites internes et les vers, elle régule la tension artérielle trop haute et est antidépressive, combat la tension et les désordres nerveux.
La source de cette information est fascinante: elle provient d’un des plus grands fabricants de médicaments au monde, qui affirme qu’après plus de 20 essais effectués en laboratoire depuis 1970, les extraits ont révélé que :
Il détruit les cellules malignes dans 12 types de cancer, y compris celui du côlon, du sein, de la prostate, du poumon et du pancréas…
Les composés de cet arbre ont démontré agir 10.000 fois mieux que le produit Adriamycin, une drogue chimiothérapeutte normalement utilisée dans le monde, en ralentissant la croissance des cellules du cancer.
Et ce qui est encore plus étonnant: ce type de thérapie avec l’extrait de citron détruit non seulement les cellules malignes du cancer et n’affecte pas les cellules saines.
Source : Institut de Sciences de la Santé, L.L.C. 819 N. Causez Street, Baltimore, MD 1201 (via "Espace Libre")
dimanche 20 février 2011
Russian Leader Confirms To Pope New Planet Arrival In 2012
February 18, 2011
A secret document prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is claiming that President Medvedev confirmed in his extended meeting with Pope Benedict XVI [photo top left] yesterday that the new planet named Tyche (pronounced ty-kee) by NASA [NASA rendering 2nd photo left] will be appearing in the Earth’s night sky by 2012.
Though the existence of this planet had long been known to the ancients, it has only been in the past year that Western scientists have begun informing their citizens about this unprecedented event soon to occur, but who are, also, still failing to tell how catastrophic its appearance will be.
Tyche was the name coined for this ancient celestial body by the two astrophysicists proposing it for “planet” status, Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
From the United States Time Magazine News Service article about this new planet we can further read:
“Tyche is suspected to be four times the mass of Jupiter with an orbit around 15,000 times further from the Sun than Earth's, and 375 times further than Pluto's. It will probably be composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with an atmosphere just like Jupiter's. Professor Whitmire added that the planet-in-waiting will have its own moons, like other outer planets, and its surface will be covered in colorful spots, bands and clouds.”
More interesting to note, however, about the name Tyche given to this new planet is that it is also the name of the ancient Greek god governing over the destiny of mankind, and who were all long familiar with this nemesis to our Earth as best exampled by the Russian-born American independent scholar Immanuel Velikovsky in his 1945 seminal work titled “Theses for the Reconstruction of Ancient History” wherein he postulated:
Planet Earth has suffered natural catastrophes on a global scale, both before and during humankind's recorded history.
The causes of these natural catastrophes were close encounters between the Earth and other bodies within the solar system.
There is evidence for these catastrophes in the geological record and archeological record.
The catastrophes that occurred within the memory of humankind are recorded in the myths, legends and written history of all ancient cultures and civilizations.
To the grim information reported by Medvedev to the Pope about Tyche we had previously reported on in our December 10, 2010 report Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth wherein we stated the warning of Doctor-Scientist Alexander Stepanov of St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory that this massive dark Jupiter-sized object lurking at our solar system’s outer edge appears to have “accelerated” its movement towards our Earth.
To the catastrophic calamities expected to our Earth from Tyche’s appearance we had further warned about in our reports Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet, Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport, Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths and New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production.
Even today, this report states, our Earth is being assaulted by Tyche due to the massive Solar Flares NASA warns could disrupt electrical power grids, radio and satellite communication in the next days, and with the worst, perhaps, yet to come, and as we can read as reported by the Space.Com News Service:
“The sun let loose its most powerful eruption in more than four years Monday night (Feb. 14), disrupting radio communications in China and generating concern around the world. But it could have been a lot worse, experts say.
Despite its strength, Monday's solar storm was a baby compared to several previous blasts, and it provides just a hint of what the sun is capable of. A true monster storm has the potential to wreak havoc on a global scale, knocking out communications systems, endangering satellites and astronauts and causing perhaps trillions of dollars in damages.
The sun's activity cycle is ramping up, so more storms will likely be coming our way over the next few years. The sun has grown more active over the last several months after rousing from a quiet period in its 11-year weather cycle last year.”
The concerns echoed about Tyche by Russian scientists relate to their belief in what is called the Electric Universe Theory, that though despised by their Western counterparts does, indeed, provide the most complex and holistic approach to understanding our Earth and its relationship to the Solar System.
In the United States, one of the most vocal proponents of the Electric Universe Theory is James M. McCanney, M.S. Physics, who further warns that the increase of comets and asteroids are due to Tyche’s effects too.
Though the West, especially the US and EU, continue to propagandize their citizens towards a belief in what they call Global Warming, Russian scientists state that what we are witnessing in our lifetimes is a complete “overthrowing” of our planets weather systems due to a “radical” realignment of our geomagnetic poles, and as evidenced by the rapid melting of the Arctic regions, while at the same time the largest glaciers in the world located in the Himalayas are advancing.
More ominous than the violent weather changes now occurring all over the Earth due to Tyche are the warnings given by the late Azeri-born American researcher Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010), who in his deciphering of over 10,000 ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablets says that our ancestors name for this planet was Nibiru and was inhabited by a race of giants known as the Anunnaki.
Most important to note about the Anunnaki were that they are credited by our ancient ancestors of being “the gods, who not only made mankind, but have protected their “creation” for thousands of year at each “overturning” of our world.
With nearly each passing day it is, also, important to note that the prophecies contained in our ancient ancestors “myths and legends” are coming alive in the headlines we read, and none more important than the Motherlands (Russia) historic 7,000-kilometre journey across the Arctic Ocean, and as explained in the Sorcha Faal’s important work Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors, that shows proof of the seer Nostradamus’ Quatrain 6 Verse 21 saying:
The great American and French Revolutionary leader Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was wrote, “These are the times that try men’s souls”, and as it was then, so it is again, the only difference being that between his time and ours, people once knew how to know truth, today, and sadly, they no longer do.
©February 18, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
Though the existence of this planet had long been known to the ancients, it has only been in the past year that Western scientists have begun informing their citizens about this unprecedented event soon to occur, but who are, also, still failing to tell how catastrophic its appearance will be.
Tyche was the name coined for this ancient celestial body by the two astrophysicists proposing it for “planet” status, Daniel Whitmire and John Matese from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
From the United States Time Magazine News Service article about this new planet we can further read:
“Tyche is suspected to be four times the mass of Jupiter with an orbit around 15,000 times further from the Sun than Earth's, and 375 times further than Pluto's. It will probably be composed mainly of hydrogen and helium, with an atmosphere just like Jupiter's. Professor Whitmire added that the planet-in-waiting will have its own moons, like other outer planets, and its surface will be covered in colorful spots, bands and clouds.”
More interesting to note, however, about the name Tyche given to this new planet is that it is also the name of the ancient Greek god governing over the destiny of mankind, and who were all long familiar with this nemesis to our Earth as best exampled by the Russian-born American independent scholar Immanuel Velikovsky in his 1945 seminal work titled “Theses for the Reconstruction of Ancient History” wherein he postulated:
Planet Earth has suffered natural catastrophes on a global scale, both before and during humankind's recorded history.
The causes of these natural catastrophes were close encounters between the Earth and other bodies within the solar system.
There is evidence for these catastrophes in the geological record and archeological record.
The catastrophes that occurred within the memory of humankind are recorded in the myths, legends and written history of all ancient cultures and civilizations.
To the grim information reported by Medvedev to the Pope about Tyche we had previously reported on in our December 10, 2010 report Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer To Earth wherein we stated the warning of Doctor-Scientist Alexander Stepanov of St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory that this massive dark Jupiter-sized object lurking at our solar system’s outer edge appears to have “accelerated” its movement towards our Earth.
To the catastrophic calamities expected to our Earth from Tyche’s appearance we had further warned about in our reports Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet, Pole Shift Blamed For Russian Air Disaster, Closure Of US Airport, Poisonous Space Clouds Slamming Into Earth Cause Mass Bird And Fish Deaths and New Superstorms Warned Have ‘Doomed’ World Food Production.
Even today, this report states, our Earth is being assaulted by Tyche due to the massive Solar Flares NASA warns could disrupt electrical power grids, radio and satellite communication in the next days, and with the worst, perhaps, yet to come, and as we can read as reported by the Space.Com News Service:
“The sun let loose its most powerful eruption in more than four years Monday night (Feb. 14), disrupting radio communications in China and generating concern around the world. But it could have been a lot worse, experts say.
Despite its strength, Monday's solar storm was a baby compared to several previous blasts, and it provides just a hint of what the sun is capable of. A true monster storm has the potential to wreak havoc on a global scale, knocking out communications systems, endangering satellites and astronauts and causing perhaps trillions of dollars in damages.
The sun's activity cycle is ramping up, so more storms will likely be coming our way over the next few years. The sun has grown more active over the last several months after rousing from a quiet period in its 11-year weather cycle last year.”
The concerns echoed about Tyche by Russian scientists relate to their belief in what is called the Electric Universe Theory, that though despised by their Western counterparts does, indeed, provide the most complex and holistic approach to understanding our Earth and its relationship to the Solar System.
In the United States, one of the most vocal proponents of the Electric Universe Theory is James M. McCanney, M.S. Physics, who further warns that the increase of comets and asteroids are due to Tyche’s effects too.
Though the West, especially the US and EU, continue to propagandize their citizens towards a belief in what they call Global Warming, Russian scientists state that what we are witnessing in our lifetimes is a complete “overthrowing” of our planets weather systems due to a “radical” realignment of our geomagnetic poles, and as evidenced by the rapid melting of the Arctic regions, while at the same time the largest glaciers in the world located in the Himalayas are advancing.
More ominous than the violent weather changes now occurring all over the Earth due to Tyche are the warnings given by the late Azeri-born American researcher Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010), who in his deciphering of over 10,000 ancient Babylonian cuneiform tablets says that our ancestors name for this planet was Nibiru and was inhabited by a race of giants known as the Anunnaki.
Most important to note about the Anunnaki were that they are credited by our ancient ancestors of being “the gods, who not only made mankind, but have protected their “creation” for thousands of year at each “overturning” of our world.
With nearly each passing day it is, also, important to note that the prophecies contained in our ancient ancestors “myths and legends” are coming alive in the headlines we read, and none more important than the Motherlands (Russia) historic 7,000-kilometre journey across the Arctic Ocean, and as explained in the Sorcha Faal’s important work Battle Begins For Throne of This World: The Return of the Einherjar Warriors, that shows proof of the seer Nostradamus’ Quatrain 6 Verse 21 saying:
“When those of the arctic pole are united together,
Great terror and fear in the East:
Newly elected, the great trembling supported,
Rhodes, Byzantium stained with Barbarian blood.”
And today, indeed, “great terror and fear” is erupting throughout the East, while at the same time the Iranian-Persian leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has told his people that the Mahdi (the Muslim version of the Christian’s Messiah) is “now in charge of Global affairs”, and Russia has signed new Arctic treaties with Norway and Finland. The great American and French Revolutionary leader Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was wrote, “These are the times that try men’s souls”, and as it was then, so it is again, the only difference being that between his time and ours, people once knew how to know truth, today, and sadly, they no longer do.
©February 18, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
jeudi 17 février 2011
« Le déclin de la NASA et la flotte qui maîtrise l’antigravité ».
Michael Salla a poursuivi dans The Examiner son article du 19 avril sur le journal de Ronald Reagan, la NASA, et les programmes secrets. Il titre aujourd'hui : "Le déclin de la NASA et la flotte qui maîtrise l'antigravité". "Le Président Obama n'a toujours pas nommé le nouvel administrateur de la NASA. Un délai qui n'est pas sans précédent. Le Président Bush, dans la première année de son mandat, avait attendu jusqu'en Novembre avant de nommer Sean O’Keefe à l'époque.Si l'on tarde à désigner le remplaçant de Michael Griffin, c'est peut-être que des décisions importantes doivent être prises sur des opérations programmées, alors que l'administrateur intérimaire, Christopher Scolese, est toujours en place. |
Des décisions cruciales ont déjà été prises pour réduire les effectifs lorsque la Navette Spatiale cessera de fonctionner, en 2010, malgré une demande du Congrès visant à étendre sa durée de service. A noter également que les responsables de la NASA ont décidé le mois dernier de ramener de six à quatre le nombre d'occupants dans la capsule du programme Constellation - la solution de remplacement pour la Navette spatiale.
Constellation doit servir à emmener des astronautes vers la Lune et Mars, et assurer l'entretien de l'ISS. Le retard d'Obama reflète l'idée déjà très répandue que les affaires de la NASA ne font pas partie de ses priorités. On peut constater que le budget de la NASA n'a cessé de diminuer depuis la fin des missions Apollo au début des années 70. Le déclin de la NASA est inévitable. Si les rapports des informateurs sont corrects, alors la NASA ne serait en fait qu'une couverture servant à dissimuler les activités d'une flotte hautement classifiée, qui maitriserait l'antigravité, et serait utilisée pour placer des centaines d'astronautes militaires dans l'espace. Comme je l'ai précédemment évoqué, le Président Ronald Reagan avait fait une allusion à cette flotte dans son journal, à la date du 11 juin 1985, en écrivant : "J’ai appris que la capacité de notre navette permettrait de placer 300 personnes en orbite." De nombreux informateurs et des experts aéronautiques ont déjà révélé divers aspects des technologies avancées d'antigravité, grâce auxquelles, selon les termes de Ben Rich (ancien directeur éxécutif de la branche des Recherches avancées de Lockheed), "nous serions capables de ramener E.T. à la maison". Si le commentaire de Reagan et les témoignages des informateurs sont fondés, nous avons vu dans la 1ère partie que cette flotte spatiale est gérée par l'U.S. Strategic Command. Le nom de code de ce programme secret est 'Solar Warden'. L'existence de Solar Warden, si elle est vérifiée, prouverait que la NASA n'est qu'un programme de couverture qui utilise les technologies obsolètes de propulsion avec des fusées. |
Dès lors, le Programme "futuriste" de Constellation serait lui aussi une couverture parce que nous aurions déjà un programme spatial capable de missions interplanétaires utilisant des technologies de propulsion par antigravité.
La première référence à Solar Warden date de Mars 2006. Une source fiable, selon les administrateurs du forum Open Minds, a révélé son existence et ses moyens : tous les programmes spatiaux ne serviraient qu'à occulter la réalité de cette flotte. Nous disposions, dès 2005, de huit vaisseaux, utilisés comme des porte-avions, et 43 "protecteurs" - qui sont des avions spatiaux. L'un aurait été récemment perdu, suite à un accident dans l'orbite de Mars, alors qu'il tentait de ravitailler la colonie multinationale. Cette base aurait été établie en 1964 par une équipe américano-russe. Une autre source qui a évoqué Solar Warden est un informateur anonyme du Projet Camelot, nommé 'Henry Deacon', qui a travaillé comme physicien aux laboratoires Laurence Livermore. Les initiateurs du Projet Camelot connaissent sa véritable identité; ils ont vérifié ses qualifications et l'ont estimé crédible. Selon eux : "Henry Deacon a confirmé qu'il existe une vaste base sur Mars, dont la maintenance est assurée par une flotte spatiale alternative (nom de code SOLAR WARDEN)."D'après l'ouvrage du journaliste William Arkin sur les noms de codes militaires, qui attribue deux lettres spécifiques aux programmes militaires secrets, Solar Warden relève d'un Commandement militaire unifié. Ca voudrait dire que Solar Warden est contrôlé par le Strategic Command, ainsi que nous l'avons déjà exposé. |
Si Solar Warden a permis d'établir une colonie sur Mars, en utilisant des systèmes de propulsion à base d'antigravité, ça pourrait expliquer pourquoi les recherches sur l'antigravité sont devenues hautement classifiées vers le milieu des années 50. Ca expliquerait également pourquoi les chercheurs civils qui étaient parvenus à répliquer les technologies d'antigravité furent brutalement écartés ainsi que c'était arrivé pour Otis T. Carr en 1961.Cette mise à l'écart a été révélée pour la première fois en 2007 grâce au témoignage de Ralph Ring, l'ancien fidèle de Carr. Les témoignages d'informateurs et d'experts se multiplient, qui attestent de l'existence d'un tel programme spatial. |
Il permettrait d'envoyer des centaines d'astronautes militaires dans l'espace. Si Solar Warden existe, ou s'il s'agit d'un programme militaire classifié de même type, alors on peut comprendre pourquoi le Président Obama tarde à nommer un nouvel administrateur à la tête de la NASA. Le déclin persistent de la NASA depuis la réussite d'Apollo ne met pas en cause la compétence et le savoir faire des personnels de l'organisation. La réalité politique serait que des programmes militaires hautement compartimentés empêchent que les technologies avancées d'antigravité soient versées au secteur public pour des applications commerciales.
Constellation, le nouveau Programme "futuriste" de la NASA, avec ses technologies obsolètes des années 40, n'est qu'un programme de couverture et ne mérite pas d'être financé. Il serait préférable que le public soit informé des réels programmes menés par l'armée américaine et des compagnies privées qui utilisent des technologies avancées d'antigravité, et nous devons savoir comment ils les ont obtenues."
DoD confirms reality of secret SOLAR WARDEN space project to UFO researcher
Michael Cohen
Rumors of a secret international space program called “Solar Warden” have been floating around for years.
One alleged whistle-blower described described Solar Warden as such: ”There were, as of 2005, eight ships, an equivalent to aircraft carriers and forty-three “protectors,” which are space planes
One was lost recently to an accident in Mars’ orbit while it was attempting to re-supply the multinational colony within Mars. This base was established in 1964 by American and Soviet teamwork.”
it is said that part of “Solar Warden’s” agenda was protecting Earth from any hostile aliens.
UFO obsessed hacker Gary McKinnon from the UK claimed to have found allusions to “Solar Warden” while snooping through NASA files. These files mention “non-terrestrial officers”, amongst other things.
Now a reader of this publication and a respected UFO researcher from the UK, Mr Darren Perks, claims to have received the following email from the DoD (under the freedom of information act) on the matter:
“About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their
program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed
me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed
me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.
program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed
me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed
me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.
I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates
and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back
to me.
I will contact you once I have a response from the other division.
and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back
to me.
I will contact you once I have a response from the other division.
Did NASA refer you to us?”
With the reality of “Solar Warden” allegedly confirmed further credibility will be given to the accounts of individuals such as Laura Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of Ike and writer for this publications, who speak of knowledge of a colony on Mars and other secret NASA projects.
Source and author: allnewswebAdditional information:
Below a few paragraphs from an article published by november 2010. Read Full Article and Discussions here:
The alternative secret fleet is codenamed SOLAR WARDEN.
Witness of secret spacecraft
A professional hiker ‘witness’ was deep in the Utah desert, 25 miles from the nearest road in a high inaccessible area. Suddenly, he saw an arrowhead-shaped craft 600 feet long appear and hover, a giant camouflaged sliding door opened in the desert floor, and the craft disappeared into what was a concealed underground base. The hiker was rubbing his eyes wondering what on earth he just saw….
The technology already exists to leave the solar system. Those huge 600 ft (180 m) long craft (might carry about 2,000 people) are not just going to the Moon or Mars…
Also- having access to space means access to resources there. We are talking about completely breakaway civilization, with scopes, rules and goals far removed from our “world” ramifications. (f.e. Bases on the moon and Mars).
Also- logically such civilization would be working within framework of other such civilizations out there .. say running missions in some kind of “Cosmic NATO” .. or even waging wars there….
Source and author:
lundi 7 février 2011
All Ambassadors Called Back to Washington! Tous les ambassadeurs rappelés à Washington!

Dans un geste sans précédent, apparemment celui qui ne s’est jamais produit avant, presque tous les ambassadeurs des États-Unis de toutes les nations ont été rappelés à Washington pour une conférence au sommet cette semaine.
Politico rapporte: « Les ambassadeurs de presque toutes les 260 ambassades des États-Unis, consulats et autres missions dans plus de 180 pays sont attendus et convoquer au département d’État pour ce qui est annoncé comme la première réunion de ce genre. «
La première pensée logique qui me vient à l’esprit …
Repensant à toutes les précédentes crises mondiales, ce qui pourrait aujourd’hui être si important, de toute évidence même plus que tout ce qu’il y a eu dans le passé, au point d’appeler tous les ambassadeurs de retour à Washington?
« The sky is the limit! à ce qui à trait aux idées et aux complots possibles …
Pour régler au préalable la note de la dette entre les nations avant qu’une nouvelle devise mondiale arrive?
Une dévaluation de la monnaie (dollar) ?
La Chine appelle de notre dette?
Un nouveau câble gravement endommageant de Wikileaks s’apprête à sortir?
Peur de fuites de communication électronique de quelque chose de très important à discuter?
Bien que la plupart des Américains sont concentré sur le SuperBowl pour le moment, guère de rapports sur l’événement peuvent être trouvés. Beaux temps pour faire quelque chose « sous le radar».
À suivre …
Modern Survival Blog
World Powers Stunned After Message From “God” Broadcast
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A mysterious Russian Space Forces (VKS) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that on 28 January our world was “officially” contacted by an extraterrestrial/ inter-dimensional intelligence source whose communication “beacons” descended upon the world’s holiest city of Jerusalem and the American State of Utah, home to The Church of Latter Days Saints (Mormons) delivering a rapid energy pulse of information that, roughly, translates to “Be of no fear as [we-it-I] return”.
This report states that the subjective personal pronouns contained in these messages (we-it-I) are all inclusive and related to specific geographical points on our Earth.
Most astounding of all were that these communication “beacons” were videotaped in action by hundreds of people in both Jerusalem, and Utah as evidenced by the many postings of this mysterious event to YouTube and other such sites around the world. [Jerusalem video of this event can be viewed here and here. Utah video of this event can be viewed here.]
In the videos taken of this mysterious event in Jerusalem a white UFO-like light can be seen descending upon the Dome of the Rock [photos 1st and 2nd left], hovering over it, then, suddenly, giving off a “burst” of energy then accelerating at great speed upwards where it joined other similar like red objects in the sky before they all disappear into the heavens.
In the video taken of this mysterious event in Utah, likewise, red UFO-like objects were seen dropping white-lighted communication “beacons” towards the ground where they gave off “bursts” of energy before ascending again into the heavens.
The locations where these events occurred, Jerusalem and Utah, are important to note due to their historic religious significance relating to the monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka LDS Church, Mormons).
The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is especially important to note as it is said to have been the location of Solomon's Temple (aka The First Temple) destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II, king of the Babylonian Empire, after the Siege of Jerusalem in 587 BC. It is the holiest site of the Hebrew faith and is called by them as the Temple Mount.
In the Islamic faith, the Dome of the Rock is called Al-Aqsa Mosque and is one of the most revered sites of that religion It is told that Muhammad one night flew on the winged steed, named Buraq [photo 4th left], from Mecca to Jerusalem. He was accompanied by the Archangel Gabriel. He landed on the Temple Mount. His journey continued from the Temple Rock through the Seven Heavens until he met Allah. He met earlier prophets in each of the Heavens. Muhammad met with Allah and asked about the number of times each believer is to pray every day. The number five was agreed on. Muhammad returned safely to Mecca the very same night.
During the Crusades the Dome of the Rock was given to the Christian faiths Augustinian religious order, who turned it into a church while the Al-Aqsa Mosque became a royal stable. The Knights Templar set up their headquarters in the Al-Aqsa Mosque adjacent to the Dome for much of the 12th century. The “Templum Domini”, as they called it, was featured on the official seals of the Order's Grand Masters and it became the architectural model for Templar churches across Europe. Many Christians believe, and Roman writings seem to confirm, that the Dome of the Rock was, also, the place where Jesus was judged by Pontius Pilate.
The Mormon Church is linked to Jerusalem as their faith holds that Jesus [photo bottom left] will return there in the End of Days and then come to their Salt Lake City, Utah, Temple where he will enter the doors reserved for him on the East side of that building. One of the LDS Churches main deities called the Angel Moroni is, also, depicted on many of their temples facing east towards Jerusalem too.
This VKS report further states that the energy pulse of information released by these “beacons” was broadcast at the frequency value of 1420.377 MHz nearly identically emulating the strong narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman, on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio State University and referred to as the “Wow! Signal”.
Note: Two different values for the Wow! Signal frequency have been given: 1420.356 MHz (J. D. Kraus) and 1420.4556 MHz (J. R. Ehman). The frequency 1420 is significant for SETI searchers because, it is reasoned, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, and hydrogen resonates at about 1420 MHz, thus extraterrestrials might use that frequency on which to transmit a strong signal. The frequency of the Wow! Signal matches very closely with the hydrogen line, which is at 1420.40575177 MHz. The bandwidth of the signal is less than 10 kHz (each column on the printout corresponds to a 10 kHz-wide channel; the signal is only present in one column). The original print out of the Wow! Signal [photo 3rd left], complete with Jerry Ehman's famous exclamation, is preserved by the Ohio Historical Society.
Most interesting to note about this report is how closely it corresponds to the growing evidence that the ancient “gods” (who the myths and legends handed down to us say have helped humanity through other catastrophic periods of our history) not only left a sort of early warning system in place, but it has now been “activated”, and as we reported on in our January 27th report “Atlantis Anomaly” Causes Shutdown Of US Army Weapons Base”.
To the Superstorms pounding our planet, and as we had, also, written about in our January 19th report Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet, there is no respite as new ones are reported today to be hitting the United States and Australia.
Though the leaders of the Western Nations have yet to either inform, or prepare, their citizens for what is to come, the same cannot be said for Russia whose President, Dmitry Medvedev, traveled to the Jordon River and on the Day of Epiphany (the day Jesus was baptized on) (January 19th) consecrated himself three times in these most holiest of waters for the protection and preservation of the Motherland against the greater catastrophes to come.
To the Western world’s leader, America, however, and as we had noted in our reports “2012 ‘White Horse Prophecy’ Warned Is Coming True In America” and “Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots”, there appears to be no ancient knowledge left among their people to prepare for what is soon to come leaving them at the greatest danger of all the world’s people to near total destruction.
© February 1, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
This report states that the subjective personal pronouns contained in these messages (we-it-I) are all inclusive and related to specific geographical points on our Earth.
Most astounding of all were that these communication “beacons” were videotaped in action by hundreds of people in both Jerusalem, and Utah as evidenced by the many postings of this mysterious event to YouTube and other such sites around the world. [Jerusalem video of this event can be viewed here and here. Utah video of this event can be viewed here.]
In the videos taken of this mysterious event in Jerusalem a white UFO-like light can be seen descending upon the Dome of the Rock [photos 1st and 2nd left], hovering over it, then, suddenly, giving off a “burst” of energy then accelerating at great speed upwards where it joined other similar like red objects in the sky before they all disappear into the heavens.
In the video taken of this mysterious event in Utah, likewise, red UFO-like objects were seen dropping white-lighted communication “beacons” towards the ground where they gave off “bursts” of energy before ascending again into the heavens.
The locations where these events occurred, Jerusalem and Utah, are important to note due to their historic religious significance relating to the monotheistic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, Islam and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka LDS Church, Mormons).
The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is especially important to note as it is said to have been the location of Solomon's Temple (aka The First Temple) destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II, king of the Babylonian Empire, after the Siege of Jerusalem in 587 BC. It is the holiest site of the Hebrew faith and is called by them as the Temple Mount.
In the Islamic faith, the Dome of the Rock is called Al-Aqsa Mosque and is one of the most revered sites of that religion It is told that Muhammad one night flew on the winged steed, named Buraq [photo 4th left], from Mecca to Jerusalem. He was accompanied by the Archangel Gabriel. He landed on the Temple Mount. His journey continued from the Temple Rock through the Seven Heavens until he met Allah. He met earlier prophets in each of the Heavens. Muhammad met with Allah and asked about the number of times each believer is to pray every day. The number five was agreed on. Muhammad returned safely to Mecca the very same night.
During the Crusades the Dome of the Rock was given to the Christian faiths Augustinian religious order, who turned it into a church while the Al-Aqsa Mosque became a royal stable. The Knights Templar set up their headquarters in the Al-Aqsa Mosque adjacent to the Dome for much of the 12th century. The “Templum Domini”, as they called it, was featured on the official seals of the Order's Grand Masters and it became the architectural model for Templar churches across Europe. Many Christians believe, and Roman writings seem to confirm, that the Dome of the Rock was, also, the place where Jesus was judged by Pontius Pilate.
The Mormon Church is linked to Jerusalem as their faith holds that Jesus [photo bottom left] will return there in the End of Days and then come to their Salt Lake City, Utah, Temple where he will enter the doors reserved for him on the East side of that building. One of the LDS Churches main deities called the Angel Moroni is, also, depicted on many of their temples facing east towards Jerusalem too.
This VKS report further states that the energy pulse of information released by these “beacons” was broadcast at the frequency value of 1420.377 MHz nearly identically emulating the strong narrowband radio signal detected by Dr. Jerry R. Ehman, on August 15, 1977, while working on a SETI project at the Big Ear radio telescope of The Ohio State University and referred to as the “Wow! Signal”.
Note: Two different values for the Wow! Signal frequency have been given: 1420.356 MHz (J. D. Kraus) and 1420.4556 MHz (J. R. Ehman). The frequency 1420 is significant for SETI searchers because, it is reasoned, hydrogen is the most common element in the universe, and hydrogen resonates at about 1420 MHz, thus extraterrestrials might use that frequency on which to transmit a strong signal. The frequency of the Wow! Signal matches very closely with the hydrogen line, which is at 1420.40575177 MHz. The bandwidth of the signal is less than 10 kHz (each column on the printout corresponds to a 10 kHz-wide channel; the signal is only present in one column). The original print out of the Wow! Signal [photo 3rd left], complete with Jerry Ehman's famous exclamation, is preserved by the Ohio Historical Society.
Most interesting to note about this report is how closely it corresponds to the growing evidence that the ancient “gods” (who the myths and legends handed down to us say have helped humanity through other catastrophic periods of our history) not only left a sort of early warning system in place, but it has now been “activated”, and as we reported on in our January 27th report “Atlantis Anomaly” Causes Shutdown Of US Army Weapons Base”.
To the Superstorms pounding our planet, and as we had, also, written about in our January 19th report Greenland Sunrise Shocks World As Superstorms Pound Planet, there is no respite as new ones are reported today to be hitting the United States and Australia.
Though the leaders of the Western Nations have yet to either inform, or prepare, their citizens for what is to come, the same cannot be said for Russia whose President, Dmitry Medvedev, traveled to the Jordon River and on the Day of Epiphany (the day Jesus was baptized on) (January 19th) consecrated himself three times in these most holiest of waters for the protection and preservation of the Motherland against the greater catastrophes to come.
To the Western world’s leader, America, however, and as we had noted in our reports “2012 ‘White Horse Prophecy’ Warned Is Coming True In America” and “Obama Orders Military To Prepare For Spring Food Riots”, there appears to be no ancient knowledge left among their people to prepare for what is soon to come leaving them at the greatest danger of all the world’s people to near total destruction.
© February 1, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.
[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]
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